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Showing posts with the label The Jesus Film


Passover this year began on Saturday evening, March 27, and will end April 4, Easter.  Holy Week: This is Palm Sunday, the day in 30AD or 33AD when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Why Palm Sunday and why a donkey?   His supporters laid palm branches on the ground, and a donkey symbolized peace ( a horse...war ).  Some of these branches are then ritually burned on Shrove Tuesday to make the ashes for the next Ash Wednesday ( meaning March 22 next year ), the first day of Lent, which goes on for 46 days, as Sundays don't count.   Which means once/week on that day you don't need to fast , or can smoke, if that's what you gave up.   Ash Wednesday and Fridays are particular days of fasting and abstinence, but only for those of 18-59. In general, fasting means eat less, not don't eat. Snacking is not allowed. Abstinence has nothing to do with sex, it mostly means no meat, although fish is okay.  Apparently, there is some leeway for crustaceans...