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Showing posts with the label Oxygen


A lot of Trump stuff in the news, but I'll let you  watch the Lawrence O'Donnell Show on MSNBC to bring some reality to what is happening .   Senate today votes on whether  Pete Hegseth  becomes Secretary of Defense. That  DEI order  about the federal government order.  This is just the beginning of what will affect people of color, especially African Americans, in the years to come.  Many of them are going to be pissed about voting for Trump. The mass deportation arrests have begun .  In time there will also be a lot of irritated Hispanics. President Donald Trump is visiting North Carolina and California today .  Want to know how your state will be accommodated if you have a cataclysmic natural disaster?   See what he says today .  Hawaii is in bad trouble, for a higher percentage of presidential voters supported Biden than California, and our governor flew to DC to protest the nomination of RFK Jr. for health secret...


Just a matter of time before Russia subjugates Ukraine.  Better than Vladimir Putin getting desperate and initiating nuclear warfare.  As President Joe Biden's State of the Union address underscored, though, is that the Free World is united against what Putin is doing.  Russia will run Ukraine for many years to come, but will nevertheless suffer for a longer time as a universal pariah. Biden didn't quite go that far, but what he said about this pandemic is sufficient to interpret that it is over and we should return to a new normal.  It has been two full years, the worst experienced by anyone alive.  The previous, the Spanish Flu, a century ago, might have killed a lot more people, 50 million versus 6 million for COVID-19, but did swiftly disappear without a vaccine.  The other worst of its kind was almost two millennia ago, The  Black Death  of 1346-1353, bubonic plague, caused by a flea, said to have killed off 30%-50% the population of Europe....


Today, I will summarize two more double-bills I saw this weekend, plus a couple of meals.  To start, from the New York Times this morning: Bill Gates pursued women who worked for him, people with direct knowledge of the matter   told The Times . Last year, he left Microsoft’s board during an inquiry into a prior affair,   The Wall Street Journal reported . “ "If you are not vaccinated, you are not safe,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the C.D.C. director,   said yesterday .   About the first statement, now you know the reason for the divorce.  That photo is with Ann Winblad as just one.   The second?  The CDC again confused the nation.  Suggesting that those who got safely vaccinated can now avoid wearing masks, just with the admonition that you are not safe if not vaccinated, has cause a turmoil.  Go to a shopping center today and you will be able to get into some stores and not in others without a mask.  The honor system of mask we...