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According to research compiled by the Dasit Law Firm ,   cruise ships have the lowest rate of deaths per billion passenger miles with 0.08 . Rail travel  11.9 Cars  3.3 Commercial air travel  0.8. In other words, cruise travel is 10 time safer than air travel! In a span of a decade between 2002 and 2013, 356 people were killed on cruise ships, with 32 of them aboard the Costa Concordia, which sank.  Of course there are injuries, and falling is the most common.  But that study was made in 2016 BEFORE covid. We are all familiar with the  Diamond Princess outbreak  early in 2020, which was the most prominent early warning of something terrible coming. 3711 passengers and crew. 712 infections:  19%. 14 deaths:  0.4%. It's difficult to compare this number with the above statistics, because the latter is per billion passenger miles.  In general: It is reported that there is a rough average of 200 deaths on cruise ships/year.  For rou...