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Showing posts with the label Torafugatei

BEER and FUGU (that poisonous Japanese Puffer Fish)

This day was symptomatic of what we did during our various train stops.  Yesterday we considered visiting Jindaiji, a botanical park, but decided that the Fall colors were still missing, so forget that.  We instead went on a quick shopping trip to Shibuya, which is the next stop on the Yamanote Line.  The photo from our room of Yebisu Garden Place, a sprawling shopping mall with the Tokyo Westin on one end, and the JR Ebisu Station at the other.  Ebisu is the modern way of spelling Yebisu, and the Museum of Yebisu Beer is located here. The history of  Sapporo Beer is linked to Yebisu , and the history of beer in Japan shows the intertwining of the entire beer industry. In 1876 the Meiji government established the Kaitukushi beer brand, brewed by German-trained Seibe Nakagawa.  This was the beginning of Sapporo Beer, from where came the North Star logo. Nippon Beer Jozo Company then took over and Yebisu Beer went on sale in 1890, becoming so popular that the...