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Showing posts with the label Greatest of All Time


Republicans seem troubled in two states.  First, Ohio, and specifically Springfield, a city of nearly 60,000, with a metropolitan area population of 136,000 residents.    It is home of Wittenberg University. Is now where  12,000 to 15,000 legal Haitians  have legally come.  This began three years ago.  The Federal government did not send them to Springfield.  They chose this city for its low cost of living and available work.  There are more than 210,000 Haitian immigrants now in the U.S, all legally entered. Leaders of the area are grateful for their presence. Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine was born in Springfield, and grew up in nearby Yellow Springs.  Has served as governor since 2019, and prior to that, was in both the House and Senate of the U.S. Congress. Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance was born in Middletown, Ohio, which is 43 miles from Springfield. Governor DeWine describes his Haitian immigrants as a positive influence....
Of course, by now you must know that GOAT is the acronym for Greatest of All Time.  Morning Consult has provided  one such list   of the greatest Super Bowl commercials,  and #1 is the Doritos/Cheetos  Push It  with cute animals and Salt-N-Pepa's song. But something like commercials are too vague to gain any kind of true consensus.   USA Today  used Ad Meter involving 150,000 panelists, and for 64 ads, here were the  best as of 14February2022 .  The GOAT was  Anna Kendrick doing Rocket Mortgage . I think the actual GOAT was the  Apple commercial of 1984 , which introduced Macintosh, the computer I used today to crank out this posting.  The ad changed the Super Bowl forever.  Note the link to George Orwell's novela,  1984 . Others seem to select the Mean Joe Greene 1979 Coca-Cola ad where he says,  Hey Kid, Catch .  I can live with that. Here are all the  commercials so far submitted  for ...


Some latest news of today from the  Sunday New York Times : What about the latest advice on booster shots? One thing is generally known:  these vaccines all protect you from dying.  But there remains a lot of confusion. First, no doubt these vaccines all lose effectiveness over time.   But how much?  A lot of conflicting info. Pfizer's vaccine drops from 96% to 84% after four months, but a third shot could bring effectiveness up to 95%.  No mention yet of how this figure drops at eight months. The panel advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended booster shots, and it's as clear as muddy water: For healthcare workers and those who are 65 and older, or at high risk of severe illness from infection, yes, you're eligible. For some reason, they specifically indicated those 16-64 not be given a booster shot.  What then about those 12 to 15? Moderna individuals will need to wait, but can they get the Pfizer as the third shot? No decision ...