The largest meteor shower of this year is occurring now. Above is an extraordinary photo of the Perseid meteor shower on 12August2021 by Josh Drur y ( right ) over Stonehenge. You also see our Milky Way. The Perseids, associated with the Swift-Tuttle comet, started Monday morning and will continue for up to five nights. The best time to watch is near dawn before there is any kind of sunlight. However, the best night was the first one, partly because of Moon conditions. From all indications, not worth a bother watching the Perseids anymore this year. These flaming particles burn up by the time they get as close as 50 miles from the Earth's surface. Note that this comet has a 133-year orbit, and what you see is the leftover particles from previous visits. John Denver's song Rocky Mountain High makes reference to this shower. Almost all meteor showers are associated with a passing comet or asteroid, and some are named after...

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