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Showing posts with the label Korean series


I began to lose track of which season and episode I was watching on Netflix and Prime series, so I developed a tracking system on my computer.  I now know which episode in what season to watch any series.  I am now officially following 57 different series on Netflix and 55 on Prime.  Yes, you read that right...more than 100.  If I were to binge-watch all, it would take me a couple of months of constant viewing.  Of course, I have recently only focused on a few of the very best, so I have not looked at most of them at all during the past year and two. I will soon more involve the following series: Prime The Devil's Hour,  because  Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave it a 100% rating, and audiences 87% .  I was not impressed with episode 1. The Terminal List  because  RT gave it 35/93 scores .  I like to at least watch one or two episodes if reviewers and audiences had such disparate ratings.  I usually agree with audiences. Season 6 of  Billions ,  got a 100% score , but I would need to