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Showing posts with the label Foldscope


Manu Prakash is an Indian scientist who was born in Meerut, India, did his undergraduate work at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, then went on for a PhD in Applied Physics at MIT.  He is now a Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University.  He won a MacArthur Fellowship in 2016. He focuses on frugal innovation that makes medicine, computing and microscopy accessible to more people worldwide.  You might have heard of his Foldscope seen above and to the right, which is an optical microscope that is designed to cost less than $1. And Paperfuge, which is a hand-powered ultralow-cost paper centrifuge.  That device to the left can be used to separate plasma and RBC for rapid malaria diagnosis in remote areas. He is working on a water droplet based computer.   Watch this video .  It is a synchronous computer that operates by moving water droplets. I am scheduled to this morning give a TEDx talk.   Dr Prakash became a TED Senior Fellow a de...