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Showing posts with the label Pearl's Ashes #13 and #14


If you've been following my blog, you know that Tuesdays are for nostalgia, and that I've been looking back at those postings featuring Pearl's Ashes.   Last week it was Africa .  Today, the island of Kauai, for a whole chapter of a possible upcoming book,  Pearl's Ashes , will occur on Kauai.  To quote: While she is from the Big Island, Kauai was where we mostly lived the first year of our marriage, and therefore might have been our most memorable stop.  At the Kilauea Sugar Company where I was a trainee, we were provided a cottage with the slippery slide location of the movie   South Pacific   (right, where Bloody Mary sang   Happy Talk   to Liat, played by France Nuyen--and, amazingly enough, Pearl looks just like her, and they were even born in the same year--and Lt. Cable) as our backyard. Below in 1963 with Pepper, a mostly german shepherd she raised from 6 weeks old.  He was so large that the only way I could wash him was to ...