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Showing posts with the label HOW TO USE THIS BLOG SITE

Second posting on this subject: HOW TO USE THIS BLOG SITE

I WILL HAVE TWO POSTINGS TODAY.  The one below is a repeat of HOW TO USE THIS BLOG SITE because all of a sudden, readership recently jumped up, so most of you reading this blog are new.  For the first few months very few ( less than 10/day ) bothered to come here.  For example, last month only had 368 total readers.  Today, the number for this one day is already at 605, and will probably double that of last month when the day is done . **************************** The first posting  ( with rainbow over Diamond Head at the top ) of the original was way back on 29 April 2008 , more than 13 years ago.  How long ago was that?  Imagine beginning kindergarten, then growing up so that you are now a freshman in college.  I've been doing this daily that long.   The reason I had to start a new blog series is that the original exceeded the limit of something called "labels."  That blog continues, but absent potential links to people just ...