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Showing posts with the label National Cinema Day


First, some news of the day: Liz Truss is the new Boris Johnson in the UK.  She was elected to lead the Conservative Party, which holds the majority in the Parliament. She will tomorrow be formally appointed by Queen Elizabeth II. Third female Prime Minister, after Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.  Truss served in May's cabinet, and also that of Boris Johnson.  The U.S. has had no female president. Is 47 years old, graduated from Oxford and became the youngest female cabinet minister in 2014 at the age of 39. Was originally against Brexit.  Now is an arch-Brexiteer. Is a Conservative ( which is similar to being a Republican in the U.S .), and advocates tax cuts, but is open to social spending. Supports Ukraine and has similar foreign policy ideals as Johnson.  Not much change expected. Future relationship with the U.S.?  Okay, but she would identify better with a Republican American president.  This form of international relationship is malleable, as another example is Japan, whi