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Showing posts with the label Eurovision Song Contest


Today is  Dance Like a Chicken Day .   15 Craigside once had an annual holiday night of entertainment, and many were conned into dancing like a chicken.  It was funny, but not the kind of thing I enjoy doing.  So I found a way to avoid being involved.  For the record: This day was created by Swiss accordion player Werner Thomas, and the dance became popular at weddings in the USA.   Watch this!    Another version . Hey, put formality aside and just have some good-natured fun.   A more modern beat . While there are nearly 8 billion humans on Planet Earth, we are outnumbered by 19 billion chickens.  There are 1.5 billion cattle, 1 billion sheep and 1 billion pigs. Cruelly, we slaughter 50 billion of them/year.  Poultry makes up a third of all the meat consumed worldwide. Americans consume around 250 eggs/year/person. Compared to half a century ago, the amount of all meats we have eaten/capita has tripled. A few more not...


Our planet is heating up.  How hot?  Says   Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy , if talks with Russia fail, it could lead to World War 3.  So, with 100 Hiroshima-size bombs, the   atmospheric temperature would fall around 2F.   Huh?  Yup, carbon particles will be tossed into the upper troposphere to reduce sunlight, and our weather will cool. 100 Little Boys ( fell on Hiroshima ) actually are almost nothing today.  That one 1961  Tsar Hydrogen Bomba  thermonuclear explosion of the Soviet Union imparted the energy of 1570 times those Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs combined.  Keep in mind, though, that this was only 25% the yield of the 1883 Indonesia Krakatoa eruption.  So nature can be worse. Scarily enough, nine countries have  13,400 nuclear weapons,  all more powerful than Little Boy.  1800 of those weapons are held in high alert.  That was old news, for the latest this year is that number is now...


According to the Sunday New York Times : Six to eight million people may have died   from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, compared with 3.4 million deaths recorded in countries’ official reporting. In the U.S.,   more than 400 colleges and universities are requiring students to be vaccinated for Covid-19.   Almost all are in states that voted for President Biden.   About that Eurovision Song Contest , Maneskin of Italy won, singing Zitti E Buono . I've regularly been featuring global adventures in anticipation of our world cruise beginning in January of 2022, with a stop in Dubai for the World Expo .  On this Sunday, it seemed ideal to take you around the world via Radio Garden.  The itinerary I will select might well be what we will do in 2023 to incorporate the Buenos Aires World Fair , with a theme of Science, Innovation, Art and Creativity for Human Development. As I live in Honolulu, the journey will begin with Hawaiian music .  Click on...