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Showing posts with the label Twinsters


The  Inflation Reduction Act , to be signed today by President Joe Biden, provides generous funds for renewable energy.  I thus thought I'd go back to a dozen years ago when I wrote on this subject, and see how in 2022 things have changed.  You can  read the 730-page bill here .  In summary: In the past, the Farm Lobby had a heavy influence, and snuck in a stinker:  ETHANOL!  This new legislation used ethanol only 3 times, while biofuel appears 11 times.  Hydrogen?  65 times.  Nuclear has 25 references, and gained some ground in this package. $9 billion in home energy rebates. $30 billion in production tax credits for solar, wind, batteries, aviation and other biofuels, plus critical minerals. $20 billion in loans to build clean vehicle manufacturing facilities in this country. $2 billion to national labs to accelerate breakthrough energy research. A methane emissions reduction program. Well, the Farm Lobby scored again, for there is a s...