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Showing posts with the label SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth and Humanity


First of all, no doubt the White House had a heavy hand, but the East/Gulf Coast dockworkers strike of 45,000 union members reached an agreement, with these workers getting a 62% increase in pay.  This was the first stoppage since 1977.   Whew, for the Democrats on November 5.  Details worked out?  Well, no, for the negotiators will return to the bargaining table on 15January2025 to iron-out any outstanding issues.  Surely sounds like a nice political solution.  Credit President Joe Biden.   He today appeared on the regular White House Press Conference  and also underscored the economic success of the administration.  Looks like our economy will mostly look good for voters through November 5, with inflation downtrending and unemployment low. Aside from the economy, one matter Donald Trump and JD Vance keep talking about is immigration.    More specifically, that immigrants are committing crimes.  Sure, some do, but the more immigrants the lower the crime rate.  From the  New York Times


The latest good news is that this blog site has, apparently, been seen now by all 251 entities in the Google world, which includes 195 countries and other sites.  More on this later. SIMPLE SOLUTIONS FOR PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY  began as a vehicle to focus on the subject matter of my books. The  first posting was on 29 April 2008 .  Here is how this blog began: WINDWARD   OAHU BO OK   SIG NING SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth   ( and   Humanity   ( Bookends in Kailua Sometime this Summer From   SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth : The analogy I like to use is this. Go back to when you began kindergarten. Sixteen years later, if  you went to college, you would be a junior. However, as a student, you have holidays, weekends, and a long summer vacation. This blog site has been active every day, save for a few days when I was in China and there was no way to do this legally.   I found a way to link through a Russian site, and sent