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Showing posts with the label Faberge eggs


Easter is the day Jesus was resurrected, two days after his crucifixion.   Otherwise, it has become a melange of historical and temporal variations.  For example, that day each year is any Sunday between March 22 and April 25 following the first full moon after the spring equinox, which occurs on March 21.  The next time Easter can occur on March 22 will be in the  Year 2285 .  Will be on April 25 in 2038. The  origin of the term Easter depends on who you ask . One is the corruption of Austre, the ancient pagan Scandinavian goddess of life and liberty. Derived from Eoastre or Eostae, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Another is the variation of the German word Ostern. Perhaps most popular is some composite of the Latin  in albis , German   eostarum   and Greek   pascha . Easter eggs are also called Paschal eggs. The USA is somewhat unusual because Easter is not a national holiday, as celebrated in 135 countries. ...