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Showing posts with the label confidence


Sure, there is love, security and a lot more in life.  However, after 84 years, I've found that something called   confidence   is key to a successful life of comfort and happiness.  The beauty of this state of mind is that you can help anyone around you--not only your family and friends, but more so, your community, local and throughout the world--to gain confidence by suggesting a pathway towards this objective. At one point, the title of this posting today was THE GIFT OF CONFIDENCE.  This is because one grows up with no sense of what confidence is all about.  I found that someone in your family, teachers, coaches and even organizations provide you this gift that, if you learn it right, can lead to a better life.  Actually all of them, in my case, were involved. But then, I thought about that word, confidence, and found it is a lot more meaningful to underscore the significance of power. Confidence is contagious.   You can more effectively...


It is Sunday, and my story today will be on how blessed I am.  Not really spiritually, but just the reality of how I became what I am today.  Then again, maybe there was an occasional divine intervention.  Either that or pure luck, again and again. As I reflect on my past, my major goal has been achieved.  I lived into the Year 2020, which means I am 80 years old.  Alas, the pandemic made it a disappointing year.  Yet, relatively, I did well.   2020 began with a trip to  Thailand last February when it was #2 to China in COVID-19 ( although that term only became official when I was on that trip ).   Today, Thailand is #113 in total number of cases.   With a population fifty times larger than Hawaii, the number of these coronavirus infections is just about the same at 30,500.   And, by the way, the USA is not looking good at all, with 66,780 new cases yesterday.   India jumped to 152,682 new cases yester...