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Yes, Paris pulled it off.  Their Summer Olympics production was outstanding.  But who am I?   Read what  Time  magazine said . Sure, it rained some, but it was tolerable. It did not get stifling hot.  Some days saw highs in low 70's. However, as the globe gets hotter, the Summer games might well need to be shifted to the Fall or Spring.   Tokyo in 1964 did move to October. Then again, the Southern Hemisphere can be more utilized, for it will be winter there.  Only Sydney and Rio have hosted, but Jakarta has a population of 34 million, Buenos Aires 22 million, Johannesburg and Lima with 11 million.  Brisbane only has 2.6 million people, but will host in 2032. No reason why any event needs to be held during the daytime.  What's wrong with a midnight marathon?   Or, hold all events indoors, including the marathon. I've been in Los Angeles in July and remember both smog and triple digit temperatures.   Dodger Stadium has suffered temperatures as high as 109 in July .  The probl