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Showing posts with the label Miltenberg


Well, made my first tour on this river cruise.  First time off the boat.  Good exercise, but kind of disappointing, for there were no signs of any Christmas Market.  Miltenberg: Is a town of 9,000 located in Lower Franconia in Bavaria, Germany. Two noteworthy bits about the town. Three Pissing Boys of Miltenber g. Giant's Inn  (Zum Riesen)is the oldest inn in Germany for nobility, dating back to  1411 . A few photos. Here are those pissing boys. The short walking tour. Ukuleles? Oldest noble inn in Germany. Dinner was minnestrone soup and a beet something or other with horseradish.  The dinner of pasta and salad. Tomorrow, Wurzburg.  No Christmas Markets apparently until the final four nights. -