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Showing posts with the label Angkor Wat


I've recently been fixated on global adventures, so on this Sunday, what about spiritual sites?  Here are a few prominent locations to consider, going west from Honolulu: Cape Reinga, New Zealand, sacred to the Maori people. Uluru, Australia:  home of the aboriginal people, one of the oldest civilizations, the plateau rises to 1,142 feet. Ubud, Bali:  Hindu harmony, plus spiritual Monkey Forest. Kyoto, Japan :  was Japan's capital for over a thousand years, and is the cultural heart of the country.  This would be the start from which you can go to Shikoku to visit 88 temples , a trek of 746 miles by foot, although there is a bus tour. Bhutan:  said to be the last Shangri-La, this is a tiny Buddhist country, measuring prosperity in terms of Gross National Happiness. Angkor Wat , Cambodia:  goes back to the 12th century and Hindu mythology, with Buddhist enhancements. Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka:  7500 feet tall, where a five-foot depression in the rock ...