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Showing posts with the label agriculture


I saw a 2018 article indicating that 60% of earth's wildlife has vanished since 1970.  This from the World Wildlife Foundation, mostly caused by human activity Indeed, a recent assessment found that only a quarter of land on Earth is substantively free of the impacts of human activities. This is projected to decline to just one tenth by 2050. Land degradation includes forest loss; while globally this loss has slowed due to reforestation and plantations it has accelerated in tropical forests that contain some of the highest levels of biodiversity on Earth. The oceans are in just as much trouble. In total, nearly six billion tons of fish and invertebrates have vanished from the Earth's seas since 1950 . Much of the blame is specifically placed on the burning fossil fuels, causing climate warming.   Agriculture contributes a third of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions . So I wondered, where are we in 2024?  Watch this video from the WWF Living Planet Report, which st...