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Showing posts with the label Stormy Daiels


Rationality and logic has mainly prevailed through most of our lives.  Every so often you meet someone, or face a circumstance, that makes no sense at all.  Some you'll never understand, some you'll rationalize to satisfaction.  I've long wondered why so many believe in fables from the past that formed religion.  But I'm in the minority.  Then there is this continual support for Donald Trump that defy rationality.  I can almost understand why he still is by far the leading Republican candidate, but how can Trump and Biden be tied for the upcoming presidential election in latest polls when Independents and Democrats are also included? About Trump, support comes in various ways: You work for him. You are in the same family. The  Democracy Fund Voter Study Group  in 2017 reported that these group supported Trump: American Preservationists 20% Staunch Conservatives 31% Anti-Elites 19% Free Marketeers 25% Disengaged 5% But that was six years ago. A...