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Showing posts with the label history of television and cable channels


  From the Miami Herald:    Where are you most likely to catch COVID? Poorly ventilated movie theater with mostly unmasked audience:  14%. But jumps to 54% if you're unmasked and people are talking a lot. If the crowd is masked, the risk of infection drops to 5.3% with no talking and 24% with talking. DON'T GO TO A MOVIE THEATER YET! Heavy exercise in a poorly ventilated placed packed with maskless people:   99% .  Yikes. Just working out for a short amount of time in a well-ventilated gym with no one wearing masks:  17%. Poorly ventilated:  67%. From the  New York Times  this morning: More than three-quarters of all U.S. COVID-19 deaths have occurred among people 65 and older. Yet, seniors seem not be particularly concerned: The plausible explanation provided is that seniors tend to lean to the right ( Republican ), while younger generations to the left ( Democrat ). Of course you know this: Millions of Republican voters have decid...