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Showing posts with the label Harukas 300

JACSE: Japan Autumn Cruise and Shinkansen Experience

 I was reminded that I don't have a name for our current trip.   For example, there was  My Ultimate Global Adventure  or MUGA of 2013, where I flew First Class Around the World in 51 days.   My Ultimate Fantasy Adventure , or MUFA of 2014, was in business class, only in the Orient, and was about a month long.  My Global Around the World Adventure,  or GAWA in 2015, lasted 65 days.  They were all wonderful. So I need an acronym or initialization ( not sure what the difference is ).  Some don't work: JAP for  J apan  A dventure for  P at:  Jap is a nasty perjorative, and I wasn't alone on this trip. OFAL for  O ur  F all  A utumn  L ayover: animal organs don't impart good memories, although, we really did not do much, so the L part makes sense. ACE for  A utumn  C olors  E xtravaganza:  no, we missed the colors on Hokkaido, and much of what we've seen so far has been sp...