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Showing posts with the label life expectancy


Harvard researchers published in the  British Medical Journal  a study of which occupations lowered the rate of Alzheimer's deaths. They looked at American Alzheimer's death records of more than 400 occupations, including when they died. The two occupations with the lowest rate of Alzheimer's death were taxi and ambulance drivers. More specifically, these two jobs had death rates 56% lower than the general population at any given age. An earlier British study provided some clues. Since 1865, London taxi drivers had too pass what's known as "the Knowledge," a grueling test of a person's memory of thousands of streets, landmarks and routes within the city. They had to study for years to become qualified. In 2000, London neuroscientists compared MRI brain scans of cabbies and other occupations, and  found that the former had changes in the hippocampus, the brain region dedicated to memory and navigation.   The longer cabbies worked, the larger their hippocamp...


Every so often, medical science announces something astounding.  Here is the latest.  It apparently does not matter if you're fat, skinny or normal,  we all die at the same rate .  While this is a simplification of that article, this general thought is now probably closer to reality than the previous one, which says that being normal was by far the best weight.  Most of my life I've noticed that extremely thin people tended to die early, while those who are far overweight, are more troubled by diabetes, heart problems and a range of other ailments,  so therefore must have a lower longevity.  Was I imagining things?  Not really, for everything I also read said about the same thing. Health publications in the past indicated that  your Body Mass Index ( BMI ) determined your life expectancy .   People live to be 100 and older by preventing chronic diseases. Those overweight have more of these ailments. The best way to avoid gettin...

SALT: The Truth

President Joe Biden is on Puerto Rico today.  The island has had a history of major hurricane problems, and power from Category 1 Fiona last month is still not fully available.  He next goes to Florida, where parts of the state will just need to be abandoned, while the death toll remains under double digits.  Saturday night  125 people died in Indonesia  after a soccer match. Read this article about how  politics can affect recovery attempts from hurricanes .  Florida politicians particularly seem to be caught in this imbroglio.  Biden smartly said all the right things about Hurricane Ian, but notice how he ( Ian ) only damaged Republican states, skipping around Georgia, which more recently caused problems for Republicans. On to the topic of the day, salt, or sodium chloride.   Our oceans are 3% salt, and if water is removed and spread evenly over our land surface, would form a layer 500 feet thick, about the height of a 40-story office ...


                   From  Worldometer  (new  COVID-19 deaths yesterday):     DAY     USA    WORLD      Brazil      India      South Africa June     9     1093     4732         1185        246       82 July    22      1205     7128         1293      1120     572 Aug    12      1504     6556        1242        835     130 Sept     9      1208      6222       1136       1168       82 Oct     21      1225      6849   ...