Both liberals and conservatives seem concerned that the 7.4% growth, the smallest since those Depression years in the 1930's, should be a national concern. Hawaii grew by 7%. Many others feel that population growth is the biggest problem today facing humanity, right up there with global warming.
- Paul Ehrlich released Population Bomb 53 years ago.
- This all started with Thomas Malthus in 1798.
- However, last year, like the attitude of some noteworthy Americans today, there was a sense that a world population which did grow fast enough would actually cause problems.
- You can still purchase a hardcover of the original PB from Amazon.com for $124.50.
- Four years later in 1972 came Limits to Growth, blaming population growth for using up world resources.
- The original paperback can still be had from Amazon.com for $99.99.
- Their 30-year update in 2004 has a hardcover price of $1002 today.
- Basically the authors said they were right.
- Then ten years later in 2014, another oversight indicated that the second version was correct.
- More recent assessments have again concluded that the book was right.
- Lesson? Keep important hardbacks.
Earlier this month the CDC indicated that fully vaccinated Americans can safely enjoy traveling again. Today, they loosened up restrictions again:
- Hard to believe, but in those days, no country in the world had ever directly elected its president.
- Interestingly enough, there then were no political parties.
- They clearly did not trust the voting public.
- Large states wanted a Congress based on population, while smaller states wanted equal representation. This is why we have two bodies as the Great Compromise.
- But then, how do you count slaves? Another compromise came that a slave was worth two-thirds of a real citizen.
- Felt that the people, not the Congress, pick the president, but ended up having the House of Representatives select the president under especially peculiar circumstances.
- This actually happened for the presidency of John Quincy Adams (the one in the middle--note that five people ran), who had actually lost both the popular and electoral votes in 1824 and Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, when even the House couldn't come to a conclusion, so a special Federal Electoral Commission was created.
- Today, with only two parties of importance, it is clear that the House will be the final determinator if the Electoral votes end up in a tie.
- However, all the effort of Donald Trump now shows that even this process could be flawed if something illegal is attempted.
- A candidate needs to capture 270 of the 538 electoral votes, which is the sum of all two senators from each state and the number in the House of Representatives.
- A tie of 269-269 would send the process to the House of Representatives, giving larger states the advantage.
- However, with the current Electoral College, states with smaller populations end up having greater representation. Wyoming, for example, only has 570,000 residents, but has one representative. California has 53 representatives, each for more than 700,000.
- 61% of Americans preferred amending the Constitution to use the popular vote to elect the president.
- 89% of Democrats and 23% of Republicans favored the popular vote.
- Over the past two decades:
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