Some real science: August was earth’s hottest on record. June and July also broke records. More so, summer of 2023 was Planet Earth's hottest by a large amount.
- Czar Nicholas II abdicated in 1917 and that was the final one, although they later had Stalin, and now Putin, so the authoritarian nature of their leadership has not changed at all.
- President Woodrow Wilson selected Bernard Baruch to head the War Industries Board during World War I, only a year after Nicholas went. Thus, Baruch was the War Czar.
- Wikipedia actually has a list of U.S. executive branch czars, and this term jumped under Franklin Roosevelt, for he had eleven of them, who were largely confirmed by the Senate.
- George W. Bush had 33 czar titles, 28 of them confirmed by the Senate.
- Barack Obama upped this to 38, and he had 39 actual confirmations.
- Donald Trump had 42 such appointees, 40 confirmed.
- Joe Biden...?? Surely John Kerry is Biden's Climate Czar. However, he is only referred to as the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, who was not confirmed by the Senate. His salary is a secret, and Republicans are not happy with his position.
- Some Czar areas in the past included AIDS, poverty, asian carp, auto, bioethics, bird flu, border...and this goes on and on.
- It was disbanded in 2012 due to lack of funding.
- But a plethora of sightings influenced President Donald Trump to use funds from the Covid-19 relief bill to have the DOD look into this matter.
- This group reported in a year, and said there was no proof that those objects were extraterrestrial in origin, but also none that they were not either.
- Thus, UFO's remained unidentified.
- In October of 2022 NASA independently announced that it was establishing its own UAP study team, and named 16 members, including retired astronaut Scott Kelly.
- This group earlier this month released a 33-page report, calling on NASA to work with other branches of government, and name a czar.
- The panel tried to keep his name out of the limelight, but NASA finally said that McInerney was the lead.
From SciTechDaily:
The closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It is about 4.25 light-years away, or about 25 trillion miles (40 trillion km). The fastest ever spacecraft, the now-in-space Parker Solar Probe will reach a top speed of 450,000 mph. It would take just 20 seconds to go from Los Angeles to New York City at that speed, but it would take the solar probe about 6,633 years to reach Earth’s nearest neighboring solar system.
- Passing through worm holes.
- A wormhole conceived by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen allows movement from one place to another by passing into an extra dimension of space.
- Say you want to explain a worm hole in space to a 7-year old. From Quora. Print out a map of the USA. Say space is like driving from Los Angeles to Jacksonville. Show them your finger going from Los Angeles to Jacksonville. Then, fold the paper so that Los Angeles and Jacksonville are next to each other, and take a pencil and make a hole through the paper connecting the two cities. Explain that, using that hole, you can get between the two cities instantly. Tell them this is how a wormhole works.
Physicists have created a holographic wormhole using a quantum computer. The team was led by Maria Spiropulu of Caltech.
- Remember time machines from movies? Well, this same wormhole can theoretically send you back in time. Can you imagine restarting time? All of this is beyond my ken.
- Using warp drive.
- Sort of compressing space and time.
- One problem is that you need negative energy and or mass.
- But we know nothing about dark energy and mass, so who knows.
- In 1994 Miquel Alcubierre first propose his Alcubierre Drive.
- And some researchers are hopeful. Read this paper. Or this one.

- 61% believe in some form of life on other planets.
- 47% believe in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations in the universe, 60% of them say we should try to contact them.
- 25% belive that the first form of life on earth arrived here from another pace.
- By country:
- Russia, Mexico and China: more than 60% believe in UFO's.
- USA at 45%
- Australia at 44%, South Africa and Turkey at 36%, Netherlands 28%.
- Nothing to do with UAP's, but do read Global Nation's 2023 Global Solidarity Report.
Statistica also had a poll of the USA, finding that more Americans now believe in aliens.
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