From Worldometer (new COVID-19 deaths yesterday):
DAY USA WORLD Brazil India South Africa
- New deaths remain relatively low. Compared to February 2 of this year, deaths/day are now:
- World 14%
- U.S. 11%
- New cases yesterday, with new cases/million population in parentheses:
- #1 North Korea 115,980 (4461)
- #2 U.S. 101,221 (302)
- #3 Taiwan 89,373 (3724)
- #4 Australia 45,817 (1761)
- Note that the U.S. has around one-tenth the severity of these other countries.
- Hawaii, though, is getting worse and worse, as we are up to more than a 1000 new cases/day, and on the past seven-day average had 911 new cases/million/day. Frighteningly enough, there is speculation that the new cases/day will continue to rise and peak at 4000 new cases some time in June. If this turns out to be true, Hawaii would then be at 3644/million population, right up there with where North Korea and Taiwan are today,
- However, there were only a total of 5 deaths this past week in Hawaii.
- That is 0.5 deaths/day/million population
- The U.S. yesterday had 0.95 deaths/day/million.
- Australia yesterday was at 3.3 deaths/day/million.
Checking gun violence is yet another issue that will insure for Democratic dominance over Congress this coming November. The New York Times asked all 50 Republican Senators their view.s Here are a few responses:
Read how the other 46 responded.The New York Times also provided further graphics,
Most shootings in America never appear in national headlines. The majority of gun deaths in 2021 were suicides. Nearly half were homicides that occurred outside mass shootings; they are more typical acts of violence on streets and in homes (and most involve handguns). Mass shootings were responsible for less than 2 percent of last year’s gun deaths. |

Did you know?
Kauai is also known as “The Garden Island”
Kauai’s weather ranges from 75-85 with not much change in season or from day to night
Ocean temperatures range from 60 to 80 degrees
Kauai’s coastline is 111 miles; it has more accessible beaches than any of the other Hawaiian islands.
Kauai’s West Side Kekaha beach spans to Polihale and is the longest stretch of beach in the State of Hawaii
The islands that you can see from the westside of Kauai is Niihau, Lehua and Ka’ula
Over 90% of the land on Kauai is used for Conservation and Agriculture
70% of the island is inaccessible by foot
Kauai is the oldest island in the Hawaiian chain
Kauai is the 4th largest island
Kauai is the northernmost island in the Hawaiian Island Chain
Kauai is 552 square miles; with a diameter of 32 miles and a widepoint of only 25 miles
Kauai’s Mt. Waialeale is the Wettest spot on Earth, averaging 450 inches of rain per year
Kauai has more rivers than any of the other Hawaiian islands:
Kauai has the only navigable rivers in the state and the longest river is Wailua river at 19.2 miles
There are eight major waterfalls on the island
The highest waterfall on Kauai is Waipoo in Waimea Canyon falling 800 feet
Kauai’s highest mountain is Kawaikini peak at 5,243 feet
The Na Pali Cliffs reach heights of 2,500 feet
Waimea Canyon is approximately one mile wide, 3,600 feet deep and ten miles in length.
There are over 5,000 plants and animals that live on the reefs of Kauai
Kauai has the largest protected population of nene goose (Hawaii’s state bird)
The two native mammals on Kauai and endemic to the Hawaiian islands is the hawaiian hoary bat and the hawaiian monk seal.
Chickens run wild on Kauai after Hurricane Iniki destroyed many of the farmers Chicken coops and got loose. The chicken is the unofficial bird of Kauai as you see them all over the island.
Kauai has no native land reptiles or amphibians and one of the only islands that do not have mongoose.
There are more pigs than people
Most populated town on Kauai is Kapaa
Kauai has over 1 million visitors a year; ⅓ of the people on Kauai are tourists or visitors
Captain James Cook was the first modern visitor that landed on Kauai’s Waimea beach on January 19, 1778
Kauai is the home of the legendary Menehune. Two places to visit on the island to see the menehunes work is the Menehune ditch next to the Waimea Swinging Bridge in Waimea Valley as well as the Menehune Fish Pond located near Nawiliwili.
Kauai Coffee is the largest plantation in the United States
Kauai grows more taro than any other island
Products of Kauai include: Coffee, fruit, vegetables, taro, beef and hawaiian salt
There are no buildings higher than a coconut palm tree. Kauai’s building code has a four story limit on vertical construction.
There have been over 60 movies filmed on the island with popular movies: Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, 6 days 7 nights, Fantasy Island and Indiana Jones to name a few.
There are nine golf courses at seven locations on Kauai. Four public courses, four resort courses and one private course.
You cannot drive around the island; Na Pali Cliffs and Waimea Canyon make it nearly impossible to build a road to connect West and North shores
Polihale is the furthest west that you can drive on the island; the end of Highway 50 is before the sugar cane dirt road to Polihale
Maluhia Road Tree Tunnel that goes to Koloa and Poipu has 500 eucalyptus trees that stretch for three miles
Most Locals will say Kaumualii Highway instead of Highway 50; Also when getting directions most will use landmarks (i.e To get to baby beach in Kapaa, when you see the Shrimp Station, turn right by the Texaco. Go straight until you see the one way road).
Moku and Ahupuaa signs are placed around Kauai noting cultural land divisions that were used as part of the history and culture of Kauai and Niihau. Check out the link for more information:
Kauai’s watershed is an important resource to the daily lives of the people and is the main reason for Kauai’s natural beauty.
The capital city of Kauai is Lihue. The main airport is Lihue Airport (LIH).
The currency used is US dollars, credit cards are widely accepted and travelers checks are also accepted at many businesses.
The main language used is English. A hawaiian creole english “pidgin english” is used by most locals.
The color of Kauai is purple
Kauai’s official flower is the Mokihana which is a green berry found in the forests
The area code of Kauai and all the Hawaiian islands is (808)
There is no daylight savings time in Hawaii
Two hurricanes have made landfall on Kauai. Hurricane Iwa in 1982 (Category 1) and Hurricane Iniki in 1992 (Category 4)
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