From Worldometer (new COVID-19 deaths yesterday):
DAY USA WORLD Brazil India South Africa
June 9 1093 4732 1185 246 82
July 22 1205 7128 1293 1120 572
Aug 12 1504 6556 1242 835 130
Sept 9 1208 6222 1136 1168 82
Oct 21 1225 6849 571 703 85
Nov 25 2304 12025 620 518 118
Dec 30 3880 14748 1224 299 465
Jan 14 4142 15512 1151 189 712
Feb 3 4005 14265 1209 107 398
Mar 2 1989 9490 1726 110 194
April 6 906 11787 4211 631 37
May 4 853 13667 3025 3786 59
June 1 287 10637 2346 3205 95
July 7 251 8440 1595 817 411
Aug 4 656 10120 1118 532 423
Sept 22 2228 9326 839 279 124
Oct 6 2102 8255 543 315 59
Nov 3 1436 7830 186 458 23
Dec 1 1633 8475 266 477 28
Jan 7 2025 6729 148 285 140
28 2732 10,516 779 862 133
Feb 2 2990 12,012 946 991 175
24 1823 9,809 996 304 40
Mar 2 1778 7,756 335 173 28
11 1022 6002 465 88 28
16 982 5579 354 59 40
However, a loophole was found in the 1960's. No kidding. This day is also celebrated in the UK, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and USA, even Hawaii. Tonight I bring to the dining room table a bottle of Irish Whiskey. Maybe a Redbreast. We are tonight being served corned beef and cabbage.
Success!!! The James Webb Space Telescope sent its first true image yesterday, a star called 2MASSJ17554042+6551277, more commonly known as TYC 4212-1079-1, located 2000 light years away, and up close, 16 times brighter than our Sun:
From all reports, the Federal Reserve will soon initially raise the federal funds rate a bit, perhaps 50 basis points, or 0.5%, and continue doing so until the benchmark rate reaches as high as 2% by the end of the year. There is concern about consume prices rising 7.5% on an annual basis in January, a four decade high. HISTORICALLY, THE MARKET TYPICALLY DROPS RIGHT BEFORE A STEEPER-THAN-NORMAL RATE INCREASE. Funny, though, as the surged after Feds announced their intent to raise rates.
The S&P is already down 8% from its 3January2022 record high. Keep in mind that historically, a year after major rate decisions, all the markets increase around 20%. There are always exceptions.
On the Trump-front, one of his senatorial candidates yesterday questioned the existence of evolution. Said Herschel Walker: At one time, science said man came from the apes, did it not? That's what's interesting, though. If that is true, why are there still apes? Thing about it. He will be running against Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock.
Yesterday I posted on THE ULTIMATE EVOLUTION OF LIFE. Today, and every year around St. Patrick's Day, I will return to the subject of EARTH ARK, for I saved this portion of the future of intelligence in our Universe for more definitive clarification. Part One today just introduces the subject, which is to determine the ideal composition of life to include in our first attempt to send the first EARTH ARK to an ideal extrasolar planet.
Of course we all know about that 600-year old Noah, who in The Bible built that fabled ark. It was supposedly in Mesopotamia sometime between 2,000 and 10,000 BC that this effort succeeded, I think. It took him around 50 years to build his ark. Incidentally, you can today view Johan's Ark in the Netherlands and Ark Encounter (left) in the U.S.: $100+ million version in Kentucky of I-75m built by Answers in Genesis.
That's all for today. In a year, further speculative details on what life (or robots or cyborgs or AI) forms to be sent out on the first EARTH ARK, plus what the ship will look like, how fast it will travel, energy details, wormholes, cost and whatever else. If this blog site can continue on for a millennium, perhaps by then an actual design can be provided.
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