From Worldometer (new COVID-19 deaths yesterday):
DAY USA WORLD Brazil India South Africa
June 9 1093 4732 1185 246 82
July 22 1205 7128 1293 1120 572
Aug 12 1504 6556 1242 835 130
Sept 9 1208 6222 1136 1168 82
Oct 21 1225 6849 571 703 85
Nov 25 2304 12025 620 518 118
Dec 30 3880 14748 1224 299 465
Jan 14 4142 15512 1151 189 712
Feb 3 4005 14265 1209 107 398
Mar 2 1989 9490 1726 110 194
April 6 906 11787 4211 631 37
May 4 853 13667 3025 3786 59
June 1 287 10637 2346 3205 95
July 7 251 8440 1595 817 411
Aug 4 656 10120 1118 532 423
Sept 22 2228 9326 839 279 124
Oct 6 2102 8255 543 315 59
Nov 3 1436 7830 186 458 23
Dec 1 1633 8475 266 477 28
Jan 7 2025 6729 148 285 140
14 2303 7872 238 430 128
21 2777 9091 396 489 103
26 3143 10,554 606 575 94
27 2689 10,261 662 627 71
28 2732 10,516 779 862 133
Feb 2 2990 12,012 946 991 175
9 2785 11,827 1295 1241 213
10 2465 11,110 922 659 203
11 1917 11,193 1121 804 146
17 2184 11,440 1129 496 435
24 1823 9,809 996 304 40
Mar 2 1778 7,756 335 173 28
- All improving, except not much for the USA.
- However, we have fallen way behind in new cases:
- USA 50,699
- South Korea 219,237
- Germany 198,457
- Vietnam 110,301
- The USA should similarly experience a major decline in new deaths soon, and certainly by next week.
- About 20 countries, most of which are NATO or E.U. members, are sending arms into Ukraine, risking retaliation from Russia.
- The Fed intends to raise interest rates this month to cool inflation.
- The Jan. 6 committee said there was evidence to conclude that Donald Trump may have committed crimes to try to stay in office.
- Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia outlined a spending plan, including climate policies, that he could support.
Further from the New York Times:
So why are 60 million American adults, or one in four, still unvaccinated? Apparently there is a long historical tradition:
- Three centuries ago, in the 1720's, Boston experienced the spread of smallpox. Cotton Mather learned about an inoculation process from an African slave and campaigned for this. He was met with fierce criticism, using arguments that inoculation violated God's will and that his folklore would do more harm than good.
- Today, we know that vaccinations teach our immune system to respond to a deadly virus. But conservative Republicans and the Fox News Channel relish in dissing science and deprecating any Democratic policy.
- Further, some combination of partisanship, even up to the Supreme Court to prevent mandates, plus similar public skepticism as we had 300 years ago, prevent our country from convincing all.
- President Joe Biden has thus resorted to persuasion. Persuasion.
- I think fear will work better:
- An article from 25November 2021 indicated that the unvaccinated are 14 times more likely to die from COVID-19.
- On 2February2022: fully vaccinated people are 93% less likely to die of COVID compared to unvaccinated people.
- Also on 2February2022: boosted Americans 97 times less likely to die of virus than unvaccinated.
- Probably citing the same analysis, but on 9February2022 the latest CDC data showed that unvaccinated adults were 97 times more likely to died from COVID-19 than boosted adults.
- The White actually released this tweet during that period:
Here’s the deal: Unvaccinated individuals are 97 times more likely to die compared to those who are boosted.
Protect yourself and those around you by getting vaccinated and boosted today.
- With every daily report of new cases and new deaths, every source should underscore how many were boosted and how many were unvaccinated. One reaction might be that if even only one person who was boosted died, then those considering getting boosted might shy away, for these people die too. On the other hand, any one with any kind of sense would be swayed to get boosted, especially if the other 96 who died that day were not vaccinated. I CAN'T GET THIS DATA FROM ANY SOURCE TODAY!!! The only comparison I read comes from special reports every so often. I haven't seen one for a month. I won't show a cartoon today. I just want you to end reading this posting by clicking on this message from the Cleveland Clinic.
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