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Showing posts from June, 2024


Miracles are important in  The Bible .  Here are  seven  of them.   Jesus  is prominent in the field of miracles.   Buddha  similarly had supernatural feats, as did Hindu Shiva.  All religions depend on miracles, with the  revelation of the Quran  being the greatest by Muslims.  And, of course there too are  modern-day miracles . Joe Biden needs a couple of miracles to prevail over Donald Trump.  One of them could come tomorrow from the Supreme Court.  If Trump is announced not to be immune from prosecution, that could become a game-changer.  A sentence of 4 years in jail by Judge Juan Merchan in eight days will only add to Trump's desperation. Whether you believe  The Bible  or scientists, the sudden appearance of Earth or the Big Bang from essentially nothing....they are all difficult to explain, and each one surely falls in the category of miracles.  The creation of life qualifies, then the evolution of us,  Homo sapiens , deserves mention. From the Pew Forum on Religion and Pub


Had lunch yesterday with a colleague from Norway, Lars Golmen, and his family.  We mostly talked about world affairs and our past.  However, the discussion eventually settled on next generation fisheries, ocean thermal energy conversion, the Blue Revolution, and our possible plans to re-establish a global plan to accomplish these various tasks. Lars was the organizer in Norway, with Steven Masutani of Hawaii, for the Bergen Declaration. THE BERGEN DECLARATION ON  NEXT GENERATION FISHERIES  November 15, 2005 Whereas, fishing fleets need to travel greater distances for diminishing catches. Whereas, some aquacultured products may suffer from the concentration of chemical toxins or drugs, and may be affected by diseases. Whereas, the consumption of seafood is increasing relative to beef, chicken and pork, being stimulated by the growing human population and recognized nutritional benefits of bioproducts from the sea. Whereas, the seafood industry faces increasing challenges posed by fish s


The first presidential debate of Donald Trump and Joe Biden ended up in a near tie.  Both lost.  However, it was an unmitigated disaster for Biden, who just might be too old to win this re-election. For Trump, it was a reinforcement of what he does all the the time, lie.   There will be significant calls for the Democratic Party to work out "something" to replace Biden as their presidential candidate.  Suddenly, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama are added to the spotlight.  But what can "legally" occur at the August Democratic Convention? The situation is different on the Republican side, as Trump is the Republican Party, and no matter if he gets 4 years at his felony sentencing on July 9, or even if the Supreme Court determines he is not immune next week or later, he will be the presidential candidate. Trump is a damned boastful liar and convicted felon, but that is the only option for Republicans.  His vice-presidential choice now becomes crucial. The