The American Energy Society regularly sends info on the full range of energy and minerals.
- Which countries are exporting Liquified Natural Gas? The leading suppliers are Qatar, Australia and the USA.
- Qatar is really small, occupying only 4468 square miles. The entire Big Island of Hawaii is 4028 square miles. Australia is 664 times larger than Qatar, and the USA is 850 times bigger in land area.
- A good rule of thumb is that LPG is 10% of natural gas and 3% of crude oil.
- Coal is the worst fossil fuel for global warming, right? Yes, by far. However, coal-generated eletricity is up 8% this year, and has doubled in the last 20 years. India is the fastest growing market. India now has more people than China.
- Wind energy turbines kill birds, right?
- Yes.
- But cats 2000 times more birds than wind turbines.
- Vehicles kill 654 times more birds than wind turbines.
- Here is how the American Bird Conservancy responds.
- While this report is dated, it says that fossil fueled power plants in 2009 killed 14 million birds, while nuclear plants killed 330,000, about the same as wind turbines today. As there are more coal power plants today, they kill say 50 times more birds than wind turbines.
- The whole point of this discussion is that in the many hearings I've attended, environmentalists have railed about wind machines because of bird kills. Then they add the noise, aesthetics and the not in my backyard arguments. Nothing is perfect, but global warming is getting realer and realer.
- Leading states of wind/solar electricity generation in MW-hours per square mile of land area:
- State spotlights:
- Arizona: This summer, about 80% of all emergency calls to Phoenix fire departments are related to extreme (19 continuous days of 110+°F ) temperatures.
- Pennsylvania: Natural gas production in the Pennsylvania region of the Appalachian Basin is declining.
- Global spotlights:
- China has more utility scale solar and wind projects that could come online within the year than the USA: 97,000 MW. (a nuclear powerplant is rated at around 1000 MW)
- However, LATIN AMERICA has 319,000 MW wind/solar/battery projects in the development pipeline:
- Brazil 217,000 MW
- Chile 38,000 MW
- Columbia 37,000 MW
- Most pesticides.
- #1 strawberries
- #2 spinach
- #3 kale
- No/low pesticides.
- #1 avoados
- #2 sweet corn
- #3 pineapple
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector, the largest source of emissions, are expected to FALL this year for the first time.
Brilliant Planet
Captura (Caltech spinout)
Ebb Carbon (featured in Energy Today)
Equatic (UCLA spinout)
Ocean-Based Climate SolutionsPlanetary Technologies (XPrize winner)
Running Tide
SeaO2 (AES "best name" winner)
Vesta (coastal carbon capture)
All of a sudden, those Canadian wildfires are plaguing the USA. Why? Where from?
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