So what blood type do you have, and thus more or less susceptible to contracting covid?
- To begin, what blood type are you? I don't really remember, but I think mine is A+ or AB?, but not sure. Will now need to check. But where?
- Early studies from China suggested that type A was more prone to being infected, with type O giving some protection.
- Other studies elsewhere were mixed.
- A study from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School more recently learned that finger-like projections jutting from this covid virus were very similar to some types of blood. This would allow for closer binding.
- And indeed, type A linked better with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and type O did not, now making it an even better universal donor.
- If you have blood type A, there is a 25% to 50% higher risk of getting covid, especially with the Omicron variants. Some studies also showed that there is nearly a 50% higher risk of type A's dying from COVID-19.
- But it's not as simple as that, for there are angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2--shown to the right, and they are not these colors) receptors also somewhat involved.
- All this does not mean type O individuals should cavalierly take chances, for they too can get infected, just not as likely. They are only partially protected.
- Scientists are now looking more closely at differentiating among these non-O types to more closely find the differences.
There are now two ocean storms off Mexico, Adrian, up to 85 MPH heading towards Hawaii, but should soon weaken, and Tropical Depression Two-E, likely to attain hurricane strength, but probably remain offshore of Mexico, then weaken.
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