- I was working in the U.S. Senate from 1979 to 1982, and global warming was not at all an issue.
- It took another decade for scientists to come to a conclusion that all those fossil fuel emissions are beginning to affect our climate.
- In the early 90's I led a national effort to include some thinking about solutions to remediate the Greenhouse Gas effect, in addition to all the necessary monitoring and modeling work that was ongoing.
- An early one was on 23September 11, where I was serializing SIMPLE SOLUTION ESSAYS, with a particular focus on Geoengineering of Climate Change.
- This particular book drew together some of my Huffington Post articles.
- The notion of geoengineering at a global scale scares most. Their argument is, we have so screwed up our planet that to entrust any group to solve these problems at mega-scale is insane. They have a point, but the concept merely suggests we talk about these super solutions. My 1July08 posting reviewed these early thinking steps.
- There are those who feel that there is no cause for concern at this time about the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and if you trace who they are -- as for example by perusing through the comments of postings like this -- organizations like the Advancement of Sound Science Center or the Heartland Institute seem to regularly pop up. Searching further, you see that companies like Exxon Mobil provide supporting funds. Our White House provides encouragement and Republicans more than Democrats side with these detractors.
- For all I know, they might actually be right. However, let's, for the sake of discussion, say that global heating is real and our world leaders are unable to agree on a workable solution in time. What if the situation gets so bad that virtually instant solutions will be required to save our civilization? I provide a wide variety of answers in SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth, but for the purpose of this article, let us look at something called global geoengineering.
- The concept is not new. The industrial revolution, farms, cities, transport systems and remedying the ozone hole can be considered to be forms of geoengineering. The Montreal Protocol actually seems to be working for the latter, but the Kyoto Protocol has been less than successful.
- How can you quickly reverse global warming? It has been hypothesized that reducing sunlight by only 1% should eliminate this problem. Various ideas have been floated, from placing reflective sheets on the ocean or in space to exploding a controlled series of hydrogen bombs to stimulate a nuclear winter. Yes, some of the propositions have been certifiably insane.
- More than a decade ago, one of the more popular possible geo-solution was,,,
Before anyone gets too irrational, let me underscore that no one, not even the most extreme supporter, is even suggesting that anything of any magnitude be initiated today. It wouldn't hurt, though, to set aside a small amount, perhaps 1% of the global climate change budget, to comprehensively study the more reasonable suggestions, especially reviewing the environmental implications, so that if that one in a hundred chance that a perfect global heating storm (as, perchance, depicted in The Venus Syndrome chapter of SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth) actually happens, we will have a few rational emergency options worthy of consideration.
In that posting I mentioned my 5 cents/pound carbon dioxide credit initiative as a non-geoengineering solution. You can read that article in the Huffington Post.
I also indicated that around 1990 I had used the results of a workshop I had chaired on Greenhouse Warming Remediation to meet with the National Science Foundation.
Before anyone gets too irrational, let me underscore that no one, not even the most extreme supporter, is even suggesting that anything of any magnitude be initiated today. It wouldn't hurt, though, to set aside a small amount, perhaps 1% of the global change budget, to comprehensively study the more reasonable suggestions, especially reviewing the environmental implications, so that if that one in a hundred chance that a perfect global heating storm (as, perchance, depicted in The Venus Syndrome chapter of SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth) actually happens, we will have a few rational emergency options worthy of consideration.
The sense of those times, however, was--and this was a third of a century ago--let the scientist first find out if this global warming thing is real or not. There were various solutions then being discussed:- Here is a list of 50 simple things to stop global warming.
- Scientific American has ten good solutions worth your read.
Only a few months ago I revisited this subject with: THE GEOENGINEERING OF CLIMATE WARMING. This posting pretty much says what is written above.
- The average global temperature is increasing faster now than at any time in the last 2 million years. This has fueled record-breaking droughts, heat waves, and wildfires, and has intensified weather patterns, causing more extreme and damaging hurricanes and rainfall. Human activity is driving this change, primarily through the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, which are released when fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to produce energy.
- One item of particular interest to me has to do with engineering the oceans. They seem stuck with traditional ideas that could cost $450 billion/PER YEAR. I wish they had considered the Blue Revolution.
- Read their report.
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