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Showing posts from January, 2023


Let me start with a rather monumental report published by the International Energy Agency: Net Zero by 2050 A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector There are 400 milestones to get there from here.   For success, the world will need to fully commit.  Hasn't happened yet. Most state or national efforts of this sort usually only address electricity.  This will be the easy part, for wind and solar options are well developed, with storage being the primary, and serious, concern. What about aviation?   Nothing much is ongoing today to address this matter.   There is some mumbling about jet fuel from biomass, but every major attempt has failed to be economically competitive.   Part of the difficulty has been the  collapse of oil prices , which were above $100/barrel for a while from 2010 to 2015, but has since then largely been below that level, more recently at around $80/barrel. So for nostalgic Tuesday, let me go back to my posting of 20...


The medical profession generally discourages alcohol drinking at any age.  Basically, alcohol has caused traffic accidents, ruined family relationships and generally harmed the body of those who drink to excess.  For example,  alcohol is a factor  in about: 30% of suicides. 30% of fatal motor vehicle crashes. 40% of fatal burn injuries. 50% of fatal drownings and homicides. 65% of fatal falls. Over the past few decades, though,   research has shown that : Moderate drinking makes you 25% to 40% less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or suffer from hardening of your arteries. Turns out that "small" amounts of alcohol can raise your high density lipoprotein (HDL), which removes other forms of cholesterols from your body, thus lowering the risk of heart disease. Alcohol also increases bone density and brain health. Alcohol does enhance mood, relax you and aid in combatting insomnia. 70% of American adults drink alcohol.  Which ones are best? Red wine c...


Religion was not a particularly important part of my youth into adulthood, and remains so today.  My parents were Buddhists, but nothing too spiritual.  It was mostly cultural. As our home in Kakaako was only a block or so from a large park owned by a Christian church, I spent a lot time there, and sort of became a Christian. In any case, my knowledge of religion was minimal.  So when I began to write  Simple Solutions for Humanity , I had to  begin educating myself by reading books  like: B. Toropov and L. Buckles ,   The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the World’s Religions [IDIOT] , Alpha Books, New York, 1997. This could well have been my first and favorite book on religion. I was brought up a Buddhist, attended a neighborhood Christian church because it had a fun summer school program, went through a few months of Catechism in high school, joined a Nisei Methodist Church because that was socially convenient, participated in Presbyterian rituals at Stanf...