Harvard researchers published in the British Medical Journal a study of which occupations lowered the rate of Alzheimer's deaths.
- They looked at American Alzheimer's death records of more than 400 occupations, including when they died.
- The two occupations with the lowest rate of Alzheimer's death were taxi and ambulance drivers.
- More specifically, these two jobs had death rates 56% lower than the general population at any given age.
- An earlier British study provided some clues.
- Since 1865, London taxi drivers had too pass what's known as "the Knowledge," a grueling test of a person's memory of thousands of streets, landmarks and routes within the city.
- They had to study for years to become qualified.
- In 2000, London neuroscientists compared MRI brain scans of cabbies and other occupations, and found that the former had changes in the hippocampus, the brain region dedicated to memory and navigation.
- The longer cabbies worked, the larger their hippocampus.
- The hippocampus is where Alzheimer's develops.
- About the recent Harvard study:
- Surprisingly, bus drivers, aircraft pilots and ship captains, with fewer spontaneous decision-making, had Alzheimer death rates typical of the general population.
- But maybe this should have been anticipated, for a 2006 neuroscientists follow-up study found that bus drivers in London did not have a enlarged hippocampus as experienced by taxi drivers.
- What is confounding, though, is that taxi drivers as a group have a lower life expectancy than most other occupations.
So what professions have the highest longevity? I couldn't find a definitive answer. Google's AI Overview provided the following.
There is no single job that guarantees a longer lifespan. Factors like genetics, lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare play a much larger role in determining how long someone lives.
- Executives and managers: Have the highest mean total life expectancy
- Clerical workers: Have a higher mean total life expectancy than unskilled blue collar workers
- Public health workers: Have been reported to live the longest, up to almost 84 years
- High skilled white-collar workers: Have been reported to be expected to live longer and healthier
- Lawyers, judges, paralegals, and legal assistants: Are likely to work past age 65
- Unskilled blue collar workers: Have a lower mean total life expectancy than clerical workers
- Transport workers: Have been reported to have the shortest life expectancy.
Taxi and ambulance drivers thus should be among those jobs with the lowest longevity. So what good is a low Alzheimer's rate if you don't live long?
Here is an article entitled, Life Expectancy by Profession.
- However, it goes on to say:
Unfortunately, we don’t currently have the data to definitively state which profession has the longest life expectancy. However, we can infer that certain groups of workers have longer life expectancies than others.
- It does say, white-collar worker have longer life expectancies than blue-collar workers.
- Also, higher-earning workers live longer than lower-income workers. For example, men in the top 1% of wealth live almost 15 years longer than men in the bottom 1%.
- Finally, working in a high-stress profession shortness your life expectancies by as much as 33 years.
- Business New Daily lists the least stressful jobs, with the the least.
- Diagnostic medical sonographer
- Compliance officer
- Hair stylist
- Audiologist
- Tenured university professor
- Medical records technician
- Jeweler
- Operations research analyst
- Pharmacy technician
- Massage therapist
I'm a tenured university professor. Nice to know I'll probably live longer than most.
These are the top 10 most stressful and dangerous jobs:- Enlisted military personnel
- Firefighter
- Airline pilot
- Police officer
- Broadcaster
- Event coordinator
- Newspaper reporter
- Public relations executive
- Senior corporate executive
- Taxi driver
So a taxi driver has a stressful job. Again, not much value in a low Alzheimer's rate if you die early, for dementia mostly hits older people.
Further:And here are the country’s most dangerous jobs, courtesy of Forbes:
- Logging worker
- Fishing/hunting worker
- Roofer
- Aircraft pilot/flight engineer
- Structural iron or steel worker
- Delivery or truck driver
- Refuse and recyclable material collector
- Underground mining machine operator
- Construction trade worker
- Electrical power-line installer/repairer
Here is a life expectancy graphic. If it's longevity you want, become a billionaire. I'm close, for I have a PhD in biochemical engineering. You don't want to be a professional rapper, for your life expectancy is 34.
Finally, a site you can reach to calculate your life expectancy. Takes only a couple of minutes. You need to give them your e-mail address so they can send you the results. I am 84, already 4 years past the life expectancy of billionaires, and should live 10 years longer.
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