I'll answer that question at the beginning. NO! I've long felt that someday, some cataclysmically hot summer will finally convince the world to be serious about global warming. While there is no doubt temperatures are continuing to go up, this summer is not showing that decisive sign.
Sure, London finally hit 104F, the highest in recorded history. I remember I one day landed at Heathrow when the temperature was only 100F. And there were problems. I went on to Dublin, and it was only 98F, but the hot topic of the day there was a warning for farmers to place sunblock on cow udders.
To quote:
Of course, I thought about protecting myself, too, so I went to a department store but couldn’t find any for humans. After much scurrying around, I finally was able to purchase a small tube of Johnson and Johnson for a ridiculously high price. It went on fine, although it seemed to stain everything white, but just wouldn’t come off, even with soap. I think I bought something for cows.

I needed sunblock because I had a golf outing. This too deserves a
Well, back to the Royal Dublin, Grant and I each rented a golf set, while the Matsunaga’s had brought theirs. We were going to buy golf balls, which were very, very expensive, but Tadashi said, we could use his, for he brought a lot of them. We teed off, but by the fifth hole, were down to one ball each. The rough grass just consumed our balls, and Tadashi had not brought that many, maybe only 35.
Back to today, all over Europe record temperatures are occurring, causing unusual wildfires.
Authorities predicted that perhaps 1000 people were likely to die as a result of this current hot spell. Will this be sufficient for decision-makers to be convinced that global climate change is serious? Hardly, for any kind of significant response will come only when world-wide many millions perish from heat. However, only
10% of homes in Europe are air-conditioned, so this is partly why they are taking the leading role in climate control.
USA too is suffering, as 100 million in as many as 20 states will be under a heat alert today where temperatures will reach 100F. The entire state of Oklahoma will hit 103F today. This has never before happened. 265 million Americans will see a high above 90F over the next week.
I recall staying at my brother's home one summer day in Las Vegas. The city had a brownout. The temperature outside was 113F. So we just went to a casino. They all can generate their own electricity for emergencies.
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