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On Thursday, a friend mentioned that the following list should have indicated cases, not deaths.  Thus, again: From  WHO , most covid (not deaths) cases: #1      USA  103,436,829 #2      China  99,238,850 #3      India  44,997,710 #4      France  38,997,490 #5      Germany  38,437,756 #6      Brazil  37,717,062 #7      S. Korea  34,571,873 #8      Japan  33,803,572 #9      Italy  25,977,012 #10    UK  24,704,113 Then I took a closer look at the data, and said to myself, there is no way that the USA had more covid cases than China.  For example, at the end of December 2022  CNN  reported 250 million in infections, just that month , which would be double the total of the U.S. for the entirety of the pandemic.  More so,  The Guardian  reported in January of this year that  Eight in 10 People in China caught COVID since early December, Say Officials .  That would be 1.14 billion cases, more than ten times that of the USA, and only from the end of last year into January.  What is the truth?


Using   Worldometer   data, the USA had 66,046 new cases during the past week.  This was 55% the World total of 119,320 cases.  This past week, however, saw a 48% drop in the U.S. from the previous full week. That 55% rate is far too high, as many countries, such as Japan and South Korea, don't report anymore, and I know from  other sources  that South Korea at more than 10,000 or so cases/week. South Korea began to have covid outbreaks after most of its citizens were vaccinated.  Thus, their overall mortality rate is  only 0.1%.  Today it is still at 0.1%, twice that of the seasonal flu at  0.05%.  The USA overall is now at 1%.  However, in recent weeks, the mortality rate has dropped to 0.2%, or four times the flu mortality rate. The USA during the 2021-2022 flu season had 9 million cases, or divided by 365 meant 25,000 flu cases/day.  Of course most people got sick during the colder months.  So let's double that to 50,000 cases/day.  We are beginning to enter the 2023-2024 f


  For some, there is Heaven.  Of course, Heaven means different things to people, as, for example, to Fred Astaire singing   Cheek to Cheek   in Top Hat, it's dancing with Ginger Rogers.  This version finished #15 on AFR's 100 Years of 100 Songs, and   Rotten Tomatoes  reviewers gave the movie a 100% rating.   Then there was that  promise of 72 virgins in heaven  for Muslim martyrs, but you had to be a male to take advantage of this reward.  Then again, maybe not.  However, more recently, it was determined that there was a mistranslation of the  Quran , and the truth was that it was raisins, not virgins.  Some have even pinpointed white raisins. To most, though, Heaven is an ultimate place where you live in harmony and comfort forever.  Yes, an  eternal afterlife .  Yet, maybe this is only for Christians and Muslims.  Although Buddhists can attain Nirvana and Hindus can become one with the Brahman, which sounds like a kind of heaven.  Don't have time for all  4,000 religion