- Before that day, this disease was called coronavirus, novel coronavirus, Wuhan coronavirus or Wuhan pneumonia.
- WHO officially named it 2019-nCoV in January 2020, and shortened it to COVID-19 on 11February2020, with CO from COronavirus, VI from VIrus and D from Disease, while 19 came from the year it was first detected, 2019.
- During this period, then president, Donald Trump, named it the Chinese virus, and continued using that term into 2021. Trump's pandemic policies and his refusal to wear a mask were reported to be responsible for 40% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths. By the time he left office, he was blamed for 400,000 American deaths, more than the number of U.S. servicemen killed during World War II. Lancet said: (this is the weekly peer-reviewed medical journal founded in England in 1823, considered to perhaps be the highest-impact academic journal in the world):
- Further from Lancet:
- According to Worldometer, the USA had by far the most COVID-19 deaths.
- #1 USA 1,219,487
- #2 Brazil 711,380
- #3 India 533,570
- #91 China 5,272
- Of course, India and China never reported all their deaths.
- According to the World Health Organization, more than 4.7 million died in India from this disease.
- China! China! China lies. According to most sources, just from December 2022 when the country ended its strict zero-COVID policy, 1.41 million people died over just 35 days!!! The Journal of American Medical Association Network Open suggested 1.87 million deaths over a two month period. China itself reported 60,000 deaths in December of 2022, which already is more than ten times more than they reported to Worldometer.
- So at worst, the USA was #3 to India and China.
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is visited by more than a million people annually. It is free. I dropped off her ashes, #16, at the foot of this fountain on 30March2011. Her ancestors came from this city. Was Day 20 since the Great Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Catastrophe, and deaths had exceeded 11,000 with 240,000 in 2000 shelters.
On the way out, I noticed one yellow carp, so I thought, how perfect. I had a gel cap of Pearl's ashes, so I tossed it into the water, and, this one ate it:
#22 was placed on 8April2011 outside the Park Hyatt, Tokyo, her favorite hotel.
Pearl's Ashes #23 at Shinjuku Goen. Must have been a crowd of 100,000 in the park. Ashes were dropped near that white sakura.In April of 2009, Fumio Ito (he is on the left), Tokyo Electric Power chief engineer, insisted that he had to take Pearl and me to his favorite Sakura site, Jindai Botanical Park. The temple here was founded in 733 AD. There are 100,000 trees of 4500 varieties, and widest assortment of cherry blossom trees as I've ever seen anywhere.
Of course, this is where I dropped Pearl's Ashes #24. The person responsible for the statue was Y. Busshi in 1961. I talked to the office staff, and they had no file on the artist, except that his first name was Yasuo.
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