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Donald Trump has many times said that he is a stable genius.  He's never mouthed a number, but likes to say that his IQ is the highest.  Stephen Colbert begs to differ.

There has been one report that his IQ was 156, but this article both says it and contests it.  If this were true, he would have been the second smartest U.S. president in history.  This list was made in 2015.


  1. Lincoln - 93.87%
  2. FD Roosevelt - 90.83%
  3. Washington - 90.32%
  4. T Roosevelt - 78.58%
  5. Jefferson - 77.53%
  6. Truman - 75.34%
  7. Obama - 73.8%
  8. Eisenhower - 73.73%
  9. LB Johnson - 72.86%
  10. Kennedy - 68.37%
  11. Madison - 67.16%
  12. Clinton - 66.42%
  13. J Adams - 62.66%
  14. Biden - 62.66%
  15. Wilson - 61.8%
  16. Reagan - 61.62%
  17. Grant - 60.93%
  18. Monroe - 60.15%
  19. GHW Bush - 58.54%
  20. JQ Adams - 55.41%
  21. Jackson - 54.7%
  22. Carter - 54.26%
  23. Taft - 51.67%
  24. McKinley - 51.23%
  25. Polk - 49.83%
  26. Cleveland - 48.31%
  27. Ford - 46.09%
  28. Van Buren - 45.46%
  29. Hayes - 41.15%
  30. Garfield - 40.98%
  31. Harrison - 40.64%
  32. GW Bush - 40.43%
  33. Arthur - 39.61%
  34. Coolidge - 39.38%
  35. Nixon - 36.41%
  36. Hoover - 34.08%
  37. Tyler - 32.99%
  38. Taylor - 32.97%
  39. Fillmore - 30.33%
  40. Harding - 27.76%
  41. Harrison - 26.01%
  42. Pierce - 24.6%
  43. Johnson - 21.56%
  44. Buchanan - 16.71%
  45. Trump - 10.92%
Joe Biden was #14.  Donald Trump ended up as the worst, #45!!!  American voters have a chance of putting into office a fresh new face, or someone who already is ranked as the LEAST GREATEST PRESIDENT.  The scary thing is that, if given a second chance, he might just be able to destroy democracy and become a dictator.

Not a big deal, but just another case of Trump lying or exaggerating.  He has said that he graduated first in his class at Wharton.  How true?  
  • Of course.  He always lies.  Records show that he was not even on the honors list.
  • In this case, he also exaggerated.  From Quora:
    • About colleges.
      • You can get an undergraduate degree called a BA or BS or something similar, with he B standing for baccalaureate, which means college bachelor's degree,
      • Or go to graduate school and get an MBA or PhD, etc.
    • Here's the thing about the Wharton School, which is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania.
    • When you graduate with a bachelor's degree, you say you got it from the University of Pennsylvania.  
      • Trump got an undergraduate degree in business.  He did not go to graduate school.  You do not say I graduated from Wharton if you did not get an advanced degree in economics.
      • But, in the case of The Donald:
Trump famously graduated from Penn’s Wharton School in 1968 — a fact he reminds audiences of over and over again. (Per Penn’s student newspaper, the 
Daily Pennsylvanian
, he publicly name-dropped Wharton 52 times between June 2015 and January 2018.) But despite all his humblebragging about that Wharton degree, Trump has never allowed his academic performance there to be made public.

      •  Sure, a minor peccadillo.  However, this is just the kind of exaggeration that is Trump's style in anything and everything.
Mind you, the New York Times in 2020 confirmed that Trump was a genius, but not stable.  He has this genius for harnessing self-promotion for personal gain.  Mind you, this was almost four years ago.  However, here is a long quote:

When someone makes a disparaging assertion about Trump, with his long history of thwarting conventional expectations, it is a good rule to ask: Are we sure about that?

As far as Trump’s finances, the Times does indeed demolish the adjective. “Stable” is hardly the right word to describe the reality of hundreds of millions of dollars in loans coming due, a long battle with the IRS over a questionable $72.9 million tax refund, scores of dodgy deductions and dubious consulting arrangements with family members, all woven into a financial structure that revolves around the personal brand of a 74-year-old man with a history of bankruptcies, severed personal relationships and increasingly erratic behavior.

But it is the noun that Trump cares most about. What we learned from Trump’s taxes does suggest he possesses an astonishing gift which could reasonably be called “genius” — if you accept that as a descriptive word rather than a term of praise.

— Trump is a tax cheat, using unscrupulous schemes to avoid paying huge sums that the government is fairly owed.

— Trump is a phony, who really is not that great at business after all. His finances, the Times said, are “beset by losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due that he has personally guaranteed.” A CNN analysis by Stephen Collison said “Trump’s image is a sham” and that he is “a pitifully inept businessman.”

So how great is Donald Trump?  He is the worst greatest president of the USA!

In Trump’s brand of high-risk politics, like his brand of business, it could be that Trump will remain a genius until some day he isn’t.

Typhoon Gaemi is now up to 105 MPH, but will significantly strengthen later today to 140 MPH and crash into Taiwan.  The eye will pass somewhat south of Taipei.  Then the expectation is that Gaemi will still be a typhoon when it makes a second landfall over Fujian province, China.



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