- Watch his monologue.
- One comment: Jesus he looks so normal...it's so weird.
#18 Lance Armstrong (20October2005)
#15 Lindsay Lohan (3March2012)#14 Louise Lasser (24July1976)
#12 Andrew Dice Clay (12May1990)
#9 Paris Hilton (5February2005)
#8 Justin Bieber (9February2013)#7 Michael Phelps (13September2008)
#2 Donald Trump (this is his monologue, 7November2015--note that he ran for the presidency the following year)
#1 Steven Seagal (20April1991)- Can't find anything.
- But here is Dana Carvey telling Howard Stern about one scene with him.
Saturday Night Live, of course has been around since 1975...46 years, so of course a few incidents have occurred. Oh, musical guest of SNL with Musk is Miley Cyrus.
1: “Converting the Island of Hawaii public transportation fleet to hydrogen fuel cell electric buses and installing the hydrogen infrastructure to operate them. This includes completing a hydrogen fueling station, operating the first hydrogen buses Hawaii available to the general public, building a bus assembly facility, developing a trained workforce, and wherever possible leveraging the investment in the buses and infrastructure to create high quality local jobs and a new economy. We are supporting the County of Hawaii to raise private financing to secure the next round of buses and leapfrog existing diesel bus technology. This will provide a new business model for other entities throughout the world to emulate.”
2: “I will continue to support Rinaldo's Hydrogen Clipper project to provide a transformational decarbonized transport airship that will revolutionize the shipping industry. By the end of 2021 we will have assembled a world class design team, progressed the design, identified the required technologies and suppliers, and raised the required capital. See it at H2Clipper.com.”
Hydrogen – The Simple Solution
Unpacking the Color Codes for our Future Fuel
Brown Hydrogen, Grey Hydrogen, Blue Hydrogen, Green Hydrogen. Who knew hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe (76 percent of all molecules in the universe are hydrogen), came in so many colors!
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