From Worldometer (new COVID-19 deaths yesterday):
DAY USA WORLD Brazil India South Africa
June 9 1093 4732 1185 246 82
July 22 1205 7128 1293 1120 572
Aug 12 1504 6556 1242 835 130
Sept 9 1208 6222 1136 1168 82
Oct 21 1225 6849 571 703 85
Nov 25 2304 12025 620 518 118
Dec 30 3880 14748 1224 299 465
Jan 14 4142 15512 1151 189 712
Feb 3 4005 14265 1209 107 398
Mar 2 1989 9490 1726 110 194
April 6 906 11787 4211 631 37
May 4 853 13667 3025 3786 59
June 1 287 10637 2346 3205 95
July 7 251 8440 1595 817 411
Aug 4 656 10120 1118 532 423
Sept 22 2228 9326 839 279 124
Oct 6 2102 8255 543 315 59
Nov 3 1436 7830 186 458 23
Dec 1 1633 8475 266 477 28
Jan 7 2025 6729 148 285 140
Feb 2 2990 12012 946 991 175
Mar 2 1778 7756 335 173 28
Apr 1 439 4056 290 52 12
May 5 225 2404 151 ? 64
June 2 216 1413 130 10 31
July 6 316 1627 335 35 12
Aug 4 311 2138 258 70 ?
Sep 1 272 1732 174 ? ?
Oct 6 281 1305 119 9 ?
Nov 3 167 980 16 ? ?
25 88 985 71 3 ?
Dec 3 149 1029 131 3 ?
8 194 1320 104 6 86
15 147 1295 124 4 ?
22 289 1637 165 9 ?
28 296 1768 337 2 ?
Jan 4 346 1534 207 ? ?
5 220 1611 183 ? ?
12 270 1470 128 ? ?
19 225 1775 480 ? ?
26 351 1361 92 1 7
Feb 1 221 1261 126 ? ?
8 329 999 50 2 ?
15 211 999 132 1 ?
22 177 1016 312 1 ?
Mar 1 119 618 81 1 ?
8 116 605 34 0 0
15 136 564 ? 5 ?
23 137 386 ? ? ?
30 81 414 ? ? ?
Apr 5 121 371 ? ? ?
12 56 484 ? 19 ?
19 79 617 58 38 ?
26 96 432 ? 26 ?
- New deaths yesterday:
- #1 Germany 121
- #2 USA 96
- #3 Japan 36
- World 432
- New cases yesterday:
- #1 South Korea 16,383
- #2 Japan 13,233
- #3 India 9,355
- #4 France 7,490
- #5 USA 6,762
- #9 Germany
- #10 Indonesia 1,399
- #18 Lithuania 127
- #50 Venezuela 18
- World 75,594
- Notice that yesterday the World lost 432 from COVID-19
- In a typical year 400,000 die of the seasonal flu.
- This is slightly more than 1000/day.
- Thus, the daily rate of deaths from the flu is now more than double that of covid.
- In the USA:
- We had 401 total deaths this past week, or 57/day.
- The final week of March the USA showed 1706 covid deaths, or 243 deaths/day.
- The previous lowest number of covid deaths/week occurred the week of 25 March 2020 when only 1,119 died, or 160/day.
- The highest number was during the 7July2021 week when 23,000 deaths occurred, or 3286 deaths/day.
- Isn't it about time that the World Health Organization calls an end to the pandemic?
- Last month WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that he expects the organization to declare an end to the COVID-19 pandemic later this year because statistics on the virus keep declining.
- Tedros, daily flu deaths are today more than double that of covid. Hasn't the time come?
One of the highlights on this ship is the Galley Market Lunch when the buffet dishes are in the kitchen, or galley. You need to pick your dishes up yourself, and the ship is rocking and rolling, so it is adventuresome, and yet enjoyable. At least you get to see the whole food operations.
This was my favorite. Suckling pig. Especially the skin. The portion from the cheeks are particularly tasty, and crunchy.,
Large seafood array.
Bread and cheese bar.
As I said, there were a lot of high waves.

Needless to repeat, 'twas a great lunch, with our personal piano player.
Went to a talk by John Freedman on The Story of Hawaii. Covered the history of the royalty up to the mid-1800s. Tomorrow, the rest of the story. Very entertaining history of what I should have known all my life, but didn't. The progeny of the missionaries were the founders of the sugar industry and leaders to overthrow the Hawaiian Monarchy.
Then on to tea.
Finally, dinner in our room. I had soup, salad and steak.
Watched Game Night with Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. Got decent 85/78 ratings from Rotten Tomatoes, Liked it. The story never seemed to end, with a series of surprises. Even the ending credits showed scenes indicating there would be a sequel. However, chances are at this time slim
Also a double-bill, with Dog starring Channing Tatum. He also co-directed. Rotten Tomatoes 77/89 scores. Also enjoyable.
Only 2981 steps today.
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