The New York Times this morning reported that, just in the past seven days, 15,813 people in the U.S. died from this virus, breaking a record that had stood since mid-April. Worse, new cases are in its third, and maybe fourth, wave, as the worse by far yet.
V-Day has arrived in the non-communist world. Russia began vaccinations for COVID-19 with their questionable Sputnik V this past weekend and China a month ago. The UK began yesterday with Patient A, Margaret Keenan. The USA could start next week.
Not to be left out, though, to gain a measure of credit, President Donald Trump will be signing an executive order today to show the world that the U.S. is still ahead. However, this morning Moncef Slaoui, chief of Operation Warp Speed, was asked why. He said, FRANKLY, I DON'T KNOW.
Which leads to another conspiracy theory: Is President Donald Trump attempting to stay president for life?
- What has been unfolding is merely the plan developed by Trump's advisors to continue as president as long as he's alive.
- First, maximize the chance of beating Biden by using the U.S. Post Office and states run by Republican governors to make it difficult for his potential non-voters to vote.
- If he loses anyway, as would be expected in light of his demeanor and the pandemic, plan for a systematic strategy to get the final decision up to the Supreme Court.
- First, follow-up on an "I told you that mail-in votes would contribute to fraud," by challenging close votes in court.
- If that fails, as it has, then move on to Republican-controlled state legislatures, and have key ones create a parallel electoral college slate for that state to compete with the legal one formed from actual votes. This is his current phase as of today.
- If this works, a messy bunch of conflicting votes will be presented to the U.S. Congress on January 6 for their approval. At worst, on that day, as Pence is still vice-president, create a deadlock: House goes for Biden and Senate for Trump.
- The result is that this matter goes to the Supreme Court. As there are 6 conservatives and three liberals, using Trump thinking, the Supreme Court should keep him as president. Maybe not.
- In any case, will there be a sufficient number of Republican-controlled legislatures to deliver nonsense to the Congress? Chances are that there will be 30% Trumpers and more Republicans more beholden to morality and the Constitution, that, with Democratic votes, this phase of the plan will fail. Thus, by next Monday we will know if it's over for Trump.

- However, for the sake of argument, say this gambit actually works. Goes to Congress. House will be a win for Biden, but the Senate will remain in Republican control. Again, the odds are high that there will be a sufficient number of sensible Republicans, and only a very few are required, that this immoral attempt by Trump will be terminated here. In fact, it's possible that many of them have purposefully let it get this far so that Trump can forever become an embarrassment to the party, thus allowing more conventional candidates for 2024. Also too, if this effort is gaining so much ire that the Georgia senatorial runoffs show signs that the two Democrats might prevail, Majority Leader McConnell might well do something to curtail Trump's attempt in mid-December.
- In any case, to take it to the limit as a possibility, say the matter goes to the Supreme Court. There should be no support for a deranged Donald Trump. Forget the Conservatives vs Liberals partisanship. While there is a strong states' rights attitude, what clearly has happened is something immoral and wrong, deprecating the will of the voters. The Supreme Court members are Americans first and will vote 9-0 against Trump. Case closed.
- Now we find out why we have a new cast leading the Department of Defense and a now wary Attorney General with conscience. The DOD leaders are all Trump cronies now, and they support him in his attempt at a coup, with military assistance. However, the Justice Department, plus retired and current generals are driven by constitutional loyalty and strike down this clearly seditious move.

- Democracy has prevailed. There are too many checks in the system to prevent this kind of corruption. Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20. Trump is banished and tries to leave the country to avoid prosecution for a range of illegalities.
- Kamehameha Waltz by Emma Veary
- Hawaii Aloha by Nina Kealiiwahamana
There was a period in Hawaiian history when Emma Veary was the queenly voice of the state, and her Kamehameha Waltz led the way. She was married to J. Akuhead Pupule, Hal Lewis, the king of morning radio then.
The song was penned by Charles E. King in tribute to Kamehameha Schools and Bernice Pauahi Bishop more than century ago. He also wrote Ke Kali Nei Au, the Hawaiian Wedding Song.
Hawaii Aloha was written by Reverend Lorenzo Lyons almost two centuries ago. However, the music came from I Left it All with Jesus, by James McGranahan, who, of course, had no connection to Hawaii. You will find, and be disappointed, that most of the songs of Kam School, including Sons of Hawaii, are based on American hymns.
I select Hawaii Aloha as my favorite song #20 because it has become a people's anthem for memorable local events. Almost every worthy gathering today ends with participants holding hands and singing this tune. Here are 40 entertainers contributing to Hawaii Aloha. Of course IZ also sung it. Learn the following. You will someday soon be in the midst of Hawaii Aloha:
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